Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Bridezilla? No, i hope

Belakangan ini, gue udah mulai ngomongin LAGI soal perintilan-perintilan wedding sama kokoh. Dan kita baru nyadar kalo ternyata, si perintilan ini inalilahi banget banyaknya!

Bukan sebelumnya ga pernah ngomongin sih, tapi pas sekarang baru sadar, kalo emang kita kudu harus bener-bener ngehitungin dan nge-list-in  barang-barangnya.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

It should be today

I wake up from the dawn to make up and doing a lil photoshoot.
It should be today...
You pick me up so i can say our promise.

It should be today...
I walk in the aisle with my dad to hold your hand.

It should be today...
We promise to be forever and ever and eeeeeever in our thick and thin.

It should be today...
We change our status, no longer as boyf and girlf.

And from today, we've to wait a few more months again.

It'll not be easy, i'm sure.
There'll be more of argue who'll makes us upset.
But, like what we've been through till now, we'll also be able to get through this.

Semoga juga, abis ini ga ada lagi ya, negara api yang menyerang macem-macem. xoxo

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Soal sepatu

Selain perintilan-perintilan lain buat prewed yang lagi di cicil, salah satu barang yang HARUSNYA udah kudu di pesen itu SEPATU si kokoh.

And i think this should be a long short story XD

Greetings, again(?)

Apa-apaan ini? Habis nikah, belom kasih review, tau-tau ngilang aja gitu?    *emang ada yang nunggu?*